How to treat painful back cramps in effective natural ways

Many of us have low back pain or so-called muscle cramping, and there are many reasons for it. If you are interested in knowing all the details about back cramps, their causes, ways to prevent them and ways to treat them if they happen, please come here to find everything you are looking for.

Back spasms may occur due to extra effort, heavy lifting, or sudden movement, which leads to back muscle inflammation and this affects the nerve in the back, causing muscle contraction and lack of Its flatness, and there are many reasons for back muscle spasm and this is what we will talk in detail in our article, while providing appropriate home solutions for muscle spasm, and this is in the case of accidental muscle spasms and not due to a specific injury to the spine.

Causes of back cramps

What may cause back cramps may be a life style in which sitting for long periods , standing for a long time or using the wrong positions when sitting, weakness of the muscles of the body in general, doing the wrong exercises or doing violent exercises without the supervision of a trainer, the incidence of muscle infections.

Treating back spasms

Rest when you feel the pain of back cramps, you should lie on a flat surface (the ground) and not move, and put a pillow under the legs to reduce pressure on the back vertebrae, which reduces the feeling of pain, and any activity that you do should be left because continuing may cause increased pain, make cold compresses which are One of the treatments that affect the first (72) hours of back cramping is that it reduces inflammation and thus gets rid of pain, so we put ice cubes inside a piece of cloth that stores a thin and clean or frozen vegetables can be used, and placed on the site of inflammation for a period of (15) minutes and must repeat This method every hour, until the back cramps subside, but the ice should not be used directly on the skin so that the skin will not be harmed.
Heat is one of the ways to get rid of back cramps and get rid of pain. The heat promotes blood circulation and muscle expansion, so we put a towel in hot water and after getting rid of excess water, you put it on the place of cramping. It also helps in relieving the pain to enjoy a hot bath and this can be repeated twice. Today until we get rid of back cramps completely, and massage can also be done using one of the oils (olive oil is preferred), which works to get rid of inflammation and increase blood flow in the back area, then we massage the back area for ten minutes with warm olive oil and then we put a cover on the back to keep the heat, And it can be repeated more than once during the day.

Water is one of the natural elements that many do not know its importance in the body because dehydration is one of the causes of back cramps, so eating an appropriate amount of water daily keeps the muscles from getting back cramps, and there are some tips to get rid of painful back cramps, some topical medications can be used to relieve Pain, trying to walk to stimulate blood circulation activity, which leads to reduce pain, tests must be performed to confirm the levels of magnesium, calcium, potassium as low rates increase the chances of developing back spasms, you must also exercise on a daily basis because it maintains all the muscles of the body, must If you are overweight, follow a balanced diet because being overweight puts pressure on your vertebrae and increases your chances of developing back cramps.

Symptoms of back muscle spasm

 And the symptoms of back cramps are often very painful, so the person feels a tension in the lateral back muscles, and persistent pain in the lower back, and this may make him unable to stand up straight.

Treating back muscle spasm with herbs Herbs can be used to solve the problem of back cramps as follows:

English salt

One of the substances that works on the rest of the back spasm if the cause of its occurrence is the low rate of magnesium in the body. The magnesium found in the English salt works on the comfort of the muscles that are afflicted by back cramps. We sit inside the bathtub filled with warm water and dissolved in two cups of salt English. It is painful right away and can be done daily until the pain and spasm are eliminated, but care must be taken when using this method because it is not suitable for those who suffer from high pressure, heart, diabetes, chamomile (chamomile). This wonderful herb has been used since ancient times to calm painful back cramps. , Then we mix chamomile oil and coconut oil and massage the affected area (3) times a day, and increase the feeling of comfort. You can drink chamomile twice a day.


Some people may be surprised that the retriever can treat back spasms, but some studies have shown that eating the retriever can reduce the inflammation associated with the spasm, so we take a spoonful of the retriever every morning and it should not exceed the spoon so that it does not affect the stomach because it is a kind of sauces Harifa, hot pepper, we may find that some ointments that relieve pain contain hot pepper, as it is a great way to get rid of the pain because it contains capsaicin, so we mix hot pepper with olive oil and massage the back affected area for spasm for a period of (15) minutes, and this generates heat Warm this area and after half an hour has passed, we wash this area well, but care must be taken that this mixture does not reach the eye and a glove should be worn by hand when massaging.


 It contains many elements that help get rid of infections, so we eat a tablespoon of honey daily in the morning, or honey can be mixed with cinnamon and eat it three times daily, this will reduce the inflammation and pain associated with spasms of the back muscles, garlic and it is known to contain a lot of Benefits, antibiotics and antioxidants, so we massage the affected area back with garlic oil for (10) minutes. To increase the benefit, you can eat garlic cloves in the morning when you wake up from sleep.


It is one of the beneficial herbs for treating painful back cramps. If the pain is mild, basil leaves can be boiled in a glass of water and left on the fire until it thickens, and the volume of water decreases in half. When it cools, we eat a cup of it every day. This drink for a higher result, herbal oils (lavender oil, almond oil, camphor oil) are useful in cases of painful back cramps; Because these oils are of a volatile nature that affects the nerves and causes them to relax, we warm any kind of previous oils and gently massage the affected area for 10 minutes.


From the grains that work to get rid of inflammation, back spasms, we put wheat flour on a quiet fire with a little water and leave it until it turns into a paste, and leave it to become warm and spread it over the back area, the fenugreek and it is also useful in getting rid of pain and inflammation, we grind the fenugreek and mix it From milk to form a soft dough, and we heat it up and put it on the back.

Back cramps is a troublesome thing that any person may suffer due to the wrong exercise, sitting in the wrong way, making sudden movement, which may cause lower back pain and difficulty in movement, so when exposed to such pain you must stop immediately any activity or work you do, Enjoy some comfort while keeping the back as straight as possible, and follow any known method of treating back cramps from herbs or other means.

Note: This article contains medical advice, although these tips were written by specialists and are safe and not harmful to use for most ordinary people, but they are not considered a substitute for your personal doctor's advice. Use it at your own risk.

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